A History of Mathematics, From Mesopotamia to Modernity
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loginThis book has its origin in notes which I compiled for a course on the history of mathematics atKing’s College London, taught for many years before we parted company. My major change inoutlook (which is responsible for its form) dates back to a day ten years ago at the University ofWarwick, when I was comparing notes on teaching with the late David Fowler. He explained hisown history of mathematics course to me; as one might expect, it was detailed, scholarly, andencouraged students to do research of their own, particularly on the Greeks. I told him that I gavewhat I hoped was a critical account of the whole history of mathematics in a series of lectures,trying to go beyond what they would find in a textbook. David was scornful. ‘What’, he said,‘do you mean that you stand up in front of those students andtell stories?’ I had to acknowledgethat I did.