About Time: Narrative, Fiction and the Philosophy of Time
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loginSince its inception Theory has been concerned with its own limits, endsand after-life. It would be an illusion to imagine that the academy is nolonger resistant to Theory but a significant consensus has been estab-lished and it can be said that Theory has now entered the mainstream ofthe humanities. Reaction against Theory is now a minority view and newgenerations of scholars have grown up with Theory. This leaves so-calledTheory in an interesting position which its own procedures of auto-critique need to consider: what is the nature of this mainstream Theoryand what is the relation of Theory to philosophy and the other disciplineswhich inform it? What is the history of its construction and whatprocesses of amnesia and the repression of difference have taken place toestablish this thing called Theory? Is Theory still the site of a more-than-critical affirmation of a negotiation with thought, which thinks thought’sown limits?