Bound to Sin Abuse, Holocaust and the Christian Doctrine of Sin
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loginThis book tests the explanatory and descriptive power of thedoctrine of sin in relation to two concrete situations: sexualabuse of children and the holocaust. Taking seriously theexplanatory power of secular discourses for analysing andregulating therapeutic action in relation to such situations, thebook asks whether the theological language of sin can offerfurther illumination by speaking of God and the worldtogether. Through its discussion of abuse and the holocaust, anengagement with Augustine, original sin and feminism, a freshand sometimes surprising perspective is offered, both on thetheology of sin and on the pathologies under consideration. Theunderstanding of sin that emerges is centred on joyful worshipof the trinitarian God. This essay is more systematic and moretheological than most practical, pastoral or applied theologyand more practical and concrete than most systematic orconstructive theology. It is a genuinely concrete, systematictheology.