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loginThe book presents an edition of seventeenad statusmodel sermons for thepreaching of the crusades from the thirteenth and early fourteenth cen-turies, by James of Vitry, Eudes of ChaÃteauroux, Gilbert of Tournai,HumbertofRomansandBertranddelaTour.Most of these texts have never been printed before. They are uniquesources for the content of crusade propaganda in the later middle ages,giving a rare insight into the way in which propaganda shaped the public'sview of crusading during that period. Accompanying the Latin texts is anEnglish translation which is aimed at making these sources accessible to awidercircleofstudentsandscholars.The ®rst part of the book consists of a study of the sermons whichfocuses on their place in the pastoral reform movement of the thirteenthcentury, their speci®c character as models for the use of crusade propagan-dists, their internal structure and the image of the crusade conveyed in thetexts.