Directorate S, The C.I.A and Americas Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan

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Steve Coll 9780525557302 Penguin Press 2018

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Two extraordinary colleagues contributed deeply to this book.Christina Satkowski, who earned an undergraduate degree atWellesley College and a master’s degree at GeorgetownUniversity, carried out important interviews and document analysisfor more than two years. She was singularly responsible for the richinterviews that inform chapter 26, among many contributions. I couldnot have finished the book without her. The same is true of ElizabethBarber, a graduate of the honors college at the State University of NewYork who also earned a master’s degree from Columbia University’sGraduate School of Journalism. Among other things, Elizabeth carriedout a nine-month fact-check of the manuscript, recontacting sourcesand reaching out to new ones. She used this reporting to improve themanuscript from start to end, adding new scenes and revelations, andpushing tirelessly for accuracy, nuance, and completeness. Although Iam solely responsible for what appears in these pages, Directorate Sbelongs to Christina and Elizabeth as much as it does to me. There areother colleagues from Columbia and elsewhere who made importantcontributions; I have tried to thank them all in the acknowledgments.

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