Food in Medieval Times

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By Bost University Posted on Jan 31, 2021
In Category - BBA
Melitta Weiss Adamson 0–313–32147–7 Greenwood PressWestport, Connecticut • London 2004

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Going back in time to the Middle Ages to find out what Europeans atemeans going back to an age before our modern means of communi-cation and transportation, and before the invention of all those handyappliances, the freezer, refrigerator, stove, and microwave, that makeit possible for us today to buy, prepare, and preserve any foods ourhearts desire from around the globe at any time. With the New Worldyet to be discovered then, it means going back to an age when the po-tato, tomato, corn, cacao, or the turkey were unknown to Europeans,and when the western edge of the world they knew was a place onSpain’s Atlantic coast, aptly called finis terrae,or end of the earth. Theperiod under investigation in this volume is the millennium betweenthe Fall of Rome and the Renaissance, from approximately A.D. 500 to1500. To study the food, gastronomy, and nutrition of a whole conti-nent over a thousand years is a formidable task, made even moredaunting by the fact that for much of the period and many of the re-gions of Europe we have relatively few sources.

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