Fundamentals of Global Positioning System Receivers A Software Approach, 2ad EDITION

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By Bost University Posted on Jun 5, 2021
In Category - Networking
JAMES BAO-YEN TSUI John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2005

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n this new edition of the book, only minor changes were made to the originalnine chapters but three new chapters treat topics of increasing interest to GPSusers and equipment developers. One topic, improving the GPS receiver sensi-tivity may extend their operations into buildings, which is becoming importantfor emergency rescue and urban warfare. Thus, Chapters 10 and 11 are devotedto the processing of weak signals, as well as the limitations of autonomous GPSreceivers. These same approaches are also applicable to GPS receivers in noisyenvironments and under interference conditions. Other subjects new to this edi-tion, such as using the almanac data to simplify signal acquisition; determiningthe number of analog-to-digital converter bits required for the GPS receiver towork under strong interference; and, using GPS signals reflected from the groundas an altimeter are covered in Chapter 12.

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