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loginThe 802.16 standard, amended this January by the IEEE to cover frequency bands in therange between 2 GHz and 11 GHz, specifies a metropolitan area networking protocol that willenable a wireless alternative for cable, DSL and T1 level services for last mile broadbandaccess, as well as providing backhaul for 801.11 hotspots. The new 802.16a standardspecifies a protocol that among other things supports low latency applications such as voiceand video, provides broadband connectivity without requiring a direct line of sight betweensubscriber terminals and the base station (BTS) and will support hundreds if not thousands ofsubscribers from a single BTS. The standard will help accelerate the introduction of wirelessbroadband equipment into the marketplace, speeding up last-mile broadband deploymentworldwide by enabling service providers to increase system performance and reliability whilereducing their equipment costs and investment risks