Incest and the Medieval Imagination

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By Bost University Posted on Jan 27, 2021
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Th is book has been a very long time in the making, time enough,indeed, for a medieval foundling to grow up and marry his unrecog-nized mother. My research into medieval attitudes to incestbeganat Yale, where material I read for my Ph.D. dissertation on theApollonius of Tyre tradition first made me wonder about the popu-larity and uses of the incest theme in medieval literature. Icontinuedthis work at King’s College Cambridge, and completed it at theUniversity of Victoria; I am grateful to both these institutions forsupporting my research through sabbatical leaves, and grants forconference travel, computer equipment, and research assistants. Ihave incurred so many other debts during my literary quest thatacknowledgement of every individual contribution is impossible. Iam very grateful to all who have helped me, and especially to the fol-lowing colleagues and friends for asking questions, supplying refer-ences and texts, reading drafts, checking translations, and givingencouragement: Chris Baswell, Julia Boffey, Danielle Bohler, LaurelBowman, Keith Bradley, Patricia Clark, Victoria Cooper, DavidDumville, Elizabeth Edwards, Tony Edwards, Juliet Fleming, RobFoley, Jane Gilbert, Paloma Gracia, Patrick Grant, Dick H elmholz,Ralph H exter, Anne H iggins, Iain H iggins, Amanda H opkins, KeithH opkins, David H ult, Sarah Kay, Michael Lapidge, MarilynLawrence, Marianne Legault, Jill Mann, Randall Martin, JudithMitchell, Kathleen Morrison-Bell, Barbara N ewman, Joan N oble,Puri Pazó Torres, Ad Putter, Michael Reeve, N ancy Regalado,MiriRubin, the late and much missed Dadie Rylands, Jim Schultz, LeslieShumka, John Tucker, Dick Unger, and Joanna Waley-Cohen. Everychapter was read and improved in an early draft by a generous friendwho wishes to remain anonymous because of our unresolvable dif-ferences over punctuation. The anonymous reader for O xfordUniversity Press made many helpful suggestions about a later draft,as did Simon Gaunt, whose advice and support throughout thispro-ject have been invaluable.

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