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By Bost University Posted on May 2, 2021
In Category - Economics
CHAP T. LE 0-471-41816-1 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2003

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A course in introductory biostatistics is often required for professional studentsin public health, dentistry, nursing, and medicine, and for graduate students innursing and other biomedical sciences, a requirement that is often considered aroadblock, causing anxiety in many quarters. These feelings are expressed inmany ways and in many di¤erent settings, but all lead to the same conclusion:that students need help, in the form of a user-friendly and real data-based text,in order to provide enough motivation to learn a subject that is perceived to bedi‰cult and dry. This introductory text is written for professionals and begin-ning graduate students in human health disciplines who need help to pass andbenefit from the basic biostatistics requirement of a one-term course or a full-year sequence of two courses. Our main objective is to avoid the perceptionthat statistics is just a series of formulas that students need to ‘‘get over with,’’but to present it as a way of thinking—thinking about ways to gather andanalyze data so as to benefit from taking the required course. There is no betterway to do that than to base a book on real data, so many real data sets invarious fields are provided in the form of examples and exercises as aids tolearning how to use statistical procedures, still the nuts and bolts of elementaryapplied statistics.

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