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loginThe academics say, so consequently do the politicians, that... violence and terrorism actually goes back deep into the roots of Islăm, into its religious roots. The call of jihăd... with which the Qur’ăn is full, the division of the world into tribes, the [abode of Islăm] Dăr al-Islăm and [the abode of war] Dăr al-Óarb, and the dream of world domination, are deemed to be the roots of Islăm. This is why the terminology is carefully tailored to À t this pattern. If Pakistan makes a bomb, a nuclear bomb, it is christened as an Islamic bomb. The bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima was not a Christian bomb, and the bomb which was made by Israel not is not a Jewish bomb, the bomb made by India is not a Hindu bomb but if Pakistan succeeds in making a bomb, it is an Islamic bomb...