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loginThis book is the distillation of a lifetime’s study of Kant, and it would be impos-sible to thank every teacher and colleague from whom I have gained insight intoKant over four decades. I would like to thank Stanley Cavell, who not only super-vised my early work on Kant but has also urged me to write a book like thepresent one for many years. I would like to thank the members of my family – mywife, Pamela Foa, my daughter, Nora, my father, Irving, and my siblings Mark,Daniel, and Léonie – who have likewise urged me to write a book like this forsome time. I would especially like to thank Frederick Rauscher, who read theentire manuscript carefully and made innumerable helpful suggestions, for whichthe final product is much better than it would otherwise have been. Michael Rohlfand Steven Jauss also read much of the manuscript and made useful suggestions.My colleague Gary Hatfield suggested several important improvements in mytreatment of Kant’s philosophy of science in Chapter 4. And several of the anony-mous readers of the manuscript for Routledge made helpful suggestions. I thankBrian Leiter for the invitation to write the book, and my editor at Routledge, TonyBruce, for his enthusiasm and helpful suggestions. I am especially grateful toJulian Wuerth, who took valuable time away from his own work to help me withproofreading.