Metaphors for God’s Timein Science and Religion

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By Bost University Posted on Feb 18, 2021
In Category - General
Stephen Happel 0-333-71410-5 Palgrave Macmillan 2002

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This book is about many questions: God, time, and the search byhuman beings for God in time and space. As Coleridge said of GeorgeBerkeley, the philosopher and bishop, because the topic reaches from‘tar-water, ends with the Trinity, the omne scibileforming the inter-space,’1carrying a map or fixing upon a geophysical satellite might beuseful as readers travel through the terrain. In the foreground I willexamine the ways in which metaphors for time function in the naturalsciences and theology or religious studies.2But I will aim for a view ofGod and divine action in our world that includes, rather thanexcludes, all of creation – from the formation of metals and planets tohuman beings. To complete these tasks will require some clarity aboutnotions of metaphor, changing notions of temporality in the sciences,and Christian theology. If it has been chronically painful for theologysince the nineteenth century to become privatized, relegated topersonal experience or intimate interpersonal interactions, this bookhopes to be some remedy.

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