Molecular and Cellular Biophysics

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By Bost University Posted on Jan 9, 2021
In Category - Paraclinic
Meyer B. Jackson 978-0-511-34472-5 Cambridge University Press 2006

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This book provides advanced undergraduate and beginning graduatestudents with a foundation in the basic concepts of molecular and cellularbiophysics. Students who have taken physical chemistry and calculuscourses will find this book an accessible and valuable aid in learninghow these concepts can be used in biological research. The text providesa rigorous treatment of the fundamental theories in biophysics andillustrates their application with examples. Conformational transitions ofproteins are studied first using thermodynamics, and subsequently withkinetics. Allosteric theory is developed as the synthesis of conformationaltransitions and association reactions. Basic ideas of thermodynamics andkinetics are applied to topics such as protein folding, enzyme catalysis andion channel permeation. These concepts are then used as the buildingblocks in a treatment of membrane excitability. Through these examples,students will gain an understanding of the general importance and broadapplicability of biophysical principles to biological problems.

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