MORAL DISAGREEMENTS, Classic and contemporary readings
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loginMoral disagreement is one of the central problems in moral reflection. It also pro-vides a stimulating introduction to some of the perennial problems of philosophy,such as relativism, skepticism, and objectivity. Moral Disagreements: Classic andContemporary Readings is the first anthology to bring together classic and con-temporary readings on this key topic. Clearly divided into five parts – The Histori-cal Debate, Some Voices from Anthropology, Challenges to Moral Objectivity, De-fenses of Moral Objectivity, and New Directions – the anthology presents readingsfrom the following key thinkers: Sextus Empiricus, Aquinas, Montaigne, Hume,Nietzsche, Chagnon, Shweder, Turner, Mackie, Williams, Wong, Brink, Nussbaum,Gewirth, Berlin, MacIntyre, Rawls, and Narayan.