Munitionsof the Mind, A history of propaganda from the ancient worldto the present era, Third Edition

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Philip M. Taylor 0 7190 6767 7 Manchester University Press 2003

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This book first appeared in 1990, with a second edition in 1995. It was,until recently, the only single volume history of propaganda from theancient world to the present day. No such volume can purport to becomprehensive, but it has proved necessary to update the final chaptersand to add new ones that embrace the Balkan wars (including the 1999)Kosovo campaign and, of course, the so-called ‘war’ against internationalterrorism. As I write this new preface, the world is gearing up for anotherpossible war against Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Leaflets have already beendropped there. This book attempts to place the conduct of propagandaduring these events within a wider historical context. It retains its mainthesis that propaganda is a much misunderstood word, that it is notnecessarily the ‘bad thing’ that most people think it is. As a process ofpersuasion, it is value neutral. Rather, it is the intention behind thepropaganda which demands scrutiny and it is that intention which begsvalue judgements not the propaganda itself.

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