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loginAny book entitled On Religion must begin by breaking the badnews to the reader that its subject matter does not exist.“Religion,” in the singular, as just one thing, is nowhere to befound; it is too maddeningly polyvalent and too uncontain-ably diverse for us to fit it all under one roof. There are West-ern religions, Eastern religions, ancient religions, modernreligions, monotheistic, polytheistic, and even slightly athe-istic religions; too many to count, too many to master, in toomany languages to learn. I am not complaining or makingexcuses. Indeed the uncontainable diversity of “religion” isitself a great religious truth and a marker of the uncontain-ability of what religion is all about. I am just trying to getstarted and I have to start somewhere. I am not trying to beginat the Absolute Beginning. I have no head for that. I am justtrying to get something on the table.