POLITICS AND POWER IN EARLYMEDIEVAL EUROPE Alsace and the Frankish Realm,600–1000
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loginThis book examines the operation of political power in early medievalEurope, with Alsace as a focus. It explores the networks of monasteriesand kin-groups that formed the basis of the local political order, and theconnections between local power and the political centre betweenapproximately600and1000. The study draws upon a variety of sourcesprimarily from Alsace, namely charters, notarial formulas, royal instru-ments, hagiography and Old High German literature, but also uponcomparative evidence from other regions, to show how this distinctivelocal order took shape during the seventh century and came to an end inthe late tenth century with the emergence of radical monastic reform.These basic local networks provide the backdrop for interpreting theprogress of Carolingian consolidation in the eighth and ninth centuries,the processes of political fragmentation in the latter half of the ninthcentury and the transformation of aristocratic power during theOttonian period.