Powerful Power Point for Educators: Using Visual Basic for Applications to Make PowerPoint Interactive
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loginWelcome to the world of powerful PowerPoint. This book will help you use
PowerPoint in ways you never thought were pos sible, with the ul timate goal of
creating better learning en vironments for your stu dents. What ever you do as an
educator requires some plan ning, whether it takes the form of de tailed lesson
plans or a few notes jot ted on the back of a nap kin. When creating complex
learn ing en vi ron ments, plan ning is very im por tant. This chap ter in tro duces
some of the basics of planning and design to help you create better learning en vi-
ronments. You will be in troduced to the benefits of multimedia, the de sign pro -
cess, benefits of hav ing your students de sign multimedia, and metaphors and
organizations for multimedia projects.