Principles ofGeotechnical Engineering, Seventh Edition

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BRAJA M. DAS 978-0-495-41130-7 CENGAGE LEARNING 2010

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Principles of Geotechnical Engineeringwas originally published with a 1985 copyrightand was intended for use as a text for the introductory course in geotechnical engineeringtaken by practically all civil engineering students, as well as for use as a reference bookfor practicing engineers. The book was revised in 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2006. ThisSeventh Edition is the twenty-fifth anniversary edition of the text. As in the previouseditions of the book, this new edition offers an overview of soil properties and mechanics,together with coverage of field practices and basic engineering procedures without chang-ing the basic philosophy in which the text was written originally.

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