RANG & DALE’S Pharmacology Flash Cards Updated Edition

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By Bost University Posted on Jun 14, 2021
In Category - Pharmacology
M M DaleMB BCh PhD 9780702059575 ELSEVIER 2014

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Pharmacology is not a conceptually difficult subject like theoretical physics or higher mathematics. The only problem in studying pharmacology is that a great many facts and hard-to-remember drug names have to be mastered. To get to grips with the subject it is essential to appreciate how drugs work; and to do this it is necessary to understand the underlying pathophysiological processes on which they act. Once you’ve covered the detail from lectures and textbooks, there is then the problem of making sure the information stays securely and accessibly in your memory for when you need it later in your professional life. And to do this efficiently you need to know what the essential points about any drug are, so that with these you will be able, by asso-ciation, to call up fuller details.

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