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loginMerrilyn Goos is Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Queens-land, where she co-ordinates Mathematics Curriculum Studies for prospective secondaryschool teachers in the pre-service Bachelor of Education program. Her research interestsfocus on analysing teaching and learning in mathematics classrooms, the nature of math-ematical thinking, and the ways in which educational and information technologiesextend students’ thinking and reorganise their interactions with each other and theteacher. She is currently Chief Investigator of a large research project, funded by theAustralian Research Council, studying the role of technology-enriched, technology-mediated learning communities in reforming mathematics teacher education. She also leda national research project, commissioned by the Australian Government Department ofEducation, Science and Training, on home, school and community partnerships thatenhance children’s numeracy learning. In 2003 she won a University of Queensland Awardfor Teaching Excellence, and in 2004 was the recipient of an Australian Award for UniversityTeaching.