The Birth of Europe

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By Bost University Posted on Jan 30, 2021
In Category - Europe History
Jacques Le. Goff 0-631-22888-8 Black well Publishing 2005

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Europe is in the process of constructing itself. The hope that it holds out isgreat. This will only be realized if Europe is mindful of its history, for aEurope without its history would be a sorry orphan. Today comes fromyesterday and tomorrow emerges out of the past. It is a past that should notparalyze the present but help it to be faithful to its inheritance yet differentand innovative as it progresses. Our Europe, flanked by the Atlantic,Asia and Africa, has existed for a very long time, marked out by itsgeography and modeled by its history ever since the Greeks gave it thename that it has retained to the present day. The future must rest upon thelegacies which, ever since antiquity or even prehistory, have made Europe aworld of exceptional richness and extraordinary creativity, in both its unityand its diversity.

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