The Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning

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By Bost University Posted on Feb 18, 2021
In Category - General
Keith J. Holyoak and Robert G. Morrison 978-0-511-11330-7 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 2005

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TheCambridge Handbook of Thinking and Rea-soningis the first comprehensive and authorita-tive handbook covering all the core topics of thefield of thinking and reasoning. Written by theforemost experts from cognitive psychology, cog-nitive science, and cognitive neuroscience, indi-vidual chapters summarize basic concepts andfindings for a major topic, sketch its history, andgive a sense of the directions in which research iscurrently heading. The volume also includes workrelated to developmental, social and clinical psy-chology, philosophy, economics, artificial intelli-gence, linguistics, education, law, and medicine.Scholars and students in all these fields andothers will find this to be a valuable collection.

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