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By Bost University Posted on Jan 28, 2021
In Category - General
KNUT HELLE, University of Bergen 0 521 47299 7 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 2003

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This volume presents a comprehensive exposition of both the pre-history and medieval history of the whole of Scandinavia. The firstpart of the volume surveys the prehistoric and historic Scandinavianlandscape and its natural resources, and tells how man took thislandscape into possession, adapting culturally to changing naturalconditions and developing various types of community throughoutthe Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. The rest – and most substantialpart of the volume – deals with the history of Scandinavia from theViking Age to the end of the Scandinavian Middle Ages (c.1520).Theexternal Viking expansion opened Scandinavia to Europeaninfluence to a hitherto unknown degree. A Christian church or-ganisation was established, the first towns came into being, and theunification of the three medieval kingdoms of Scandinavia began,coinciding with the formation of the unique Icelandic ‘Free State’.

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