The History of the Incas

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By Bost University Posted on Jan 27, 2021
In Category - General
brian s. bauer and vania smith University of Texas Pres 2007

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The goal of this translation is to introduceTheHistoryoftheIncas[1572],by Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, to a broad range of individuals interestedin the history of the Americas. Sarmiento de Gamboa’s manuscript waswritten in the city of Cuzco, the former capital of the Inca Empire, at a timewhen the Inca Empire was still remembered by informants who had heldimportant positions of power in it. As such,TheHistoryoftheIncasis an in-valuable source of information on the last and largest empire to develop inthe indigenous Americas. Inspired by other recent translations of writerssuch as Bernabé Cobo (1979, 1990), Juan de Betanzos (1996), Pedro de Ciezade León (1998), José de Acosta (2002), and Tito Cusi Yupanqui (2005), wehope that this work will encourage others to explore and understand theAndean past.

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