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By Bost University Posted on Feb 17, 2021
In Category - Philosophy
Simon Glendinning 0 7486 2470 8 Edinburgh University Press 2006

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An Initiation into Philosophy:

Imust have been about seventeen. From the hallway I could hear twoof my older brothers talking very enthusiastically about things theywere beginning to explore in their studies at university. They weretalking about something called ‘semiotics’. The door to the room wasopen as usual and I moved closer, cautiously approaching my spiritedbrothers inside. At the doorway I asked for an explanation, but what-ever I was given just hung in the air and left me out of the charmedcircle of my brothers’ talk. I had no idea what they were on about andcouldn’t get into the conversation about French literary theory thatthey were then getting into.

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