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By Bost University Posted on Feb 16, 2021
In Category - History
Hans Bertens 0-203-35932-1 ROUTLEDGE NEWYORK LONDON 2005

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A book of this kind inevitably builds upon numerous other books andthe reader will come across them in my references. But books also haveless visible debts. This one certainly does. I want to thank my old friendTheo D’haen, who, perhaps to contribute to my education, first got meinterested in postmodernism, and I want to thank Douwe Fokkema, whoinstitutionalized that interest by inviting me to participate in an earlyresearch project on the modern/postmodern divide. Gerhard Hoffman,still at Würzburg, and Alfred Hornung, now at Mainz, added me to theimpressive roster of their Würzburg conferences, leading to a cycle ofintellectually exciting and more generally rewarding experiences, bothin Germany and in the US. Closer to home, Willem van Reijen joined mefor inspiring walks in the woods and offered lucid and helpfulcommentary on part of my manuscript. Yet closer to home, PriscaBertens, in spite of her hectic life as a doctor, still found time andenergy to give invaluable support.

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