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By Bost University Posted on Jan 31, 2021
In Category - General
Friedemann Schrenkis & Stephanie Mülleris 0–415–42519–0 ROUTLEDGE NEWYORK LONDON 2008

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The Neanderthal is among the most mysterious relatives of Homo sapiens:Was he a dull, club-swinging muscleman, or a being with developed socialbehavior and the ability to speak, to plan precisely, and even to developviews on the afterlife?For many, the Neanderthals are an example of primitive humans, butnew discoveries suggest that this image needs to be revised. One hundredthousand years ago in ice-age Europe, there emerged people who managedto cope well with the difficult climate—Neanderthals. They formed anorganized society, hunted mammoths, and could make fire. They wereable to pass on knowledge, caring for the old and the disabled, buryingtheir dead, and placing gifts on their graves. Yet they became extinct,despite their cultural abilities.This richly illustrated book, written for general audiences, provides acompetent look at the history, living conditions, and culture of theNeanderthal.

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