The Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Chaucer
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loginThe purpose of the Palgrave Literary Dictionariesis to provide the reader withimmediate access to reliable information on some of the major authors ofliterature written in the English language. These books are intended for areadership including students, graduate students, teachers, scholars, andadvanced general readers. Each volume will be dedicated either to anindividual author or to a group of authors. It will offer a concise referenceguide, consisting mainly of entries presented under headwords arranged inalphabetical order. The entries will vary in length from about 10 to about3000 words, depending on the significance of the particular topic. The topicswill include the literary works, individuals, fictional characters, genres, tradi-tions, events, places, institutions, editors, and scholars most relevant to a fulland sophisticated understanding and appreciation of the author (or authors)in question. The more substantial entries will include suggestions for furtherreading, full particulars of which will be supplied in a selective bibliography.Access to information will be facilitated by extensive cross-referencing.I trust that volumes in this series will be judged by their effectivenessin providing quick, clear, and convenient access to reliable and scholarlyinformation.