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By Bost University Posted on Feb 20, 2021
In Category - Science
Arthur Kroker & David Cook New World Perspectives Montral 2001

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The Postmodem Scene evokes, and then secretes, the fin-de-millenium mood of contemporary culture. It is a panic book: panic sex, panic art, panic ideology, panic bodies, panic noise, and panic theory. Indeed, the text itself should be read as immanently postmodern. Thus, for example, while Adorn0 and Horkheimer’s.Dialectic of Enlight- enment was written in response to the outbreak of the fascist mind, The Postmodem Scene is written in response to the outbreak again of the dialectic of enlightenment. In an age where computers reify the meaning of memory and panic sex is the language of the postmodern body, then it may still be salutary to meditate anew on historical remembrance as the basis ofpolitics. The Postmodem Scene, while thriving in the detrital scenes of cultural amnesia, is also a marker of remembrance. Decay/ecstasy, hyper-pessimism/hyper- optimism, memory/amnesia: these are the double signs under which this text has been written. If this sounds paradoxical, ambivalent and contra- dictory, this just means that like the quantum age which it seeks to describe, The Postmodern Scene is a quantum, that is to say postmodern, sign of its times. 

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