The Voice ofthe Past, Oral History, Third edition

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By Bost University Posted on Jan 31, 2021
In Category - Europe History
Paul Thompson ±19±289317±3 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2000

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This is a book about both the method, and the meaning, ofhistory. It is, ®rst of all, an introduction to the use of oralsources by the historian. But the very use of these sources raisesfundamental issues, and I have decided to take these at thebeginning, moving step by step towards the more practical laterchapters. At the same time, I have trie dto write with manydifferent types of reader inmind. Some may be more immedi-ately concerne dwith how to writewith many different types ofreader in mind. Some may be more immediately concerned withhow to design a project, and to collect and evaluate interviewmaterial. They will ®n dpractical a dvice in Chapters 6(Projects), 7 (The Interview), an d8 (Storing an dSifting). Therewould be, indeed, good sense in starting from ®eld-work. Thepractical experience of oral history will itself lea don to deeperquestions about the nature of history.

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