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loginSCIENCE, like many other topics, is much more interesting if it makessense to you. I wrote this book because science is extraordinarilyinteresting to me, and I want to share that interest with other people.My goal for the book is to convey the foundations of my own understand-ing of science, which I have acquired over an extended period of time.Scholars argue over whether science is a body of knowledge, a collectionof techniques, a social and intellectual process, a way of knowing, astrictly defined method, and so forth. These arguments are not very inter-esting to me, since I accept all of these elements as valid partial visions ofscience. In one guise or another, they all appear somewhere in the book.My other motivation for writing the book is to show that science, as wellas being interesting, is also important. A significant part of our culture,our economy, and our environment are entangled with science in pro-found ways. To comprehend the world we live in without some grasp ofscience is difficult. Crucial issues are at stake, and these issues require anunderstanding of science in order to approach them intelligently.