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loginAlthough doingscience is at the heart of discovery, the effort would havevery limited consequence in the long term without writingscience. As a socialenterprise that depends on collaboration, scientific inquiry requires its practi-tioners to write on a regular basis. From time to time, some members of thescientific community have been critical of the overall quality of writing by re-searchers. If scientists do indeed write less effectively than writers in otherprofessions, at the root of that circumstance may be the sentiment that timespent writing is far less important than time spent doing research. Shouldn’tfussing over writing and language be left to the “literary” writers? Won’t theresults, after all, speak for themselves? This book stands with other scientificwriting guides in responding “no” to such questions. The profound impact ofscience in our world demands special care and the most rigorous standards forcommunicating its outcomes to the multiple constituencies affected by theirimplications and applications.