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By Bost University Posted on Feb 4, 2021
In Category - English
Andrew Dalby 0 7136 7841 0 A & C Black London 2006

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The language and language family headings inthis book are in alphabetical order from Ab-khaz to Zulu. Cross-references are given inSMALLCAPITALS. Maps, and sometimes boxes listingnumerals or other examples, often bring togetherinformation on two or three related languages:the cross-references always serve as a guide.It has usually been possible to give at least thenumerals, 1 to 10, as an example o fthe way alanguage looks and sounds. Other informationoften displayed adjacent to the text includesforeign scripts and their equivalents in the famil-iar Latin alphabet. A surprising number o fthesescripts can now be found as TrueType fonts onthe World Wide Web (see acknowledgements onp. 734).This book is not designed as a bibliography orreading list. Often, however, information andexamples in the language entries are drawn fromsources to which an interested reader could go tofind out more. Thus, wherever it may be useful,full references to sources have been given.

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