Historical Dictionaries of Ancient Civilizations and Historical Eras
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loginAdictionary is, of course, organized alphabetically, but when it comesto the Vikings, this is not as easy a task as it may sound: there are a num-ber of additional characters in the Scandinavian and Icelandic languages, å, æ, ä, ö, ø, ð, þ, which have to be included. As this dic-tionary is primarily designed for an English-language audience, whichmay include people unfamiliar with the conventions of the Scandina-vian and Icelandic languages, I have chosen to anglicize these charac-ters. Thus, åand ä, are treated simply as the letter a; æas the letters ae;öand øas the letter o; sometimes I have replaced ðand þwith the let-ters th, which corresponds to the sound represented by ðand þ; how-ever, where a spelling with the Icelandic characters is very well known,I have kept the original letters but treated them as thfor the purposes ofalphabetizing. The length markers over vowels ( ́) have been retained inspellings where there is no generally accepted anglicized form but ig-nored in the alphabetical ordering of entries. Hooked ohas been nor-malized as öand hooked or nasal a as ã.